Covid-19 Policy
Covid- 19 Appointment policy
* Once a booking is made, medical history and consent forms will be sent to scan for any contraindications and reduce your contact time in clinic.
* Please inform us if you or a member of your household have experienced cold like symptoms i.e. a sore throat, continuous new cough, high temperature or loss of taste/smell in the last 7 days prior to your scheduled appointment.
* We are only accepting bank transfers, please pay your remaining balance anytime up to 24 hours prior to your appointment; please inform us of when you have done this.
*Please only arrive at the time of your appointment only.
* A non touch temperature reading will be taken from you whilst in your car. If you are found to have a high temperature your appointment will be rescheduled.
* Please attend the appointment alone.
* Alcohol hand sanitizer will provided for use on entering and exiting the clinic as well as handwashing facilities.
*Two week reviews will be held via virtual consultation. At this time if there is a requirement for a face to face appointment this will be arranged.
* If you have any concerns please feel free to contact us directly.
07739 315121